Four Seasons Announces Free Wifi For All Guests

With no standard requirements, hotels can make their own rules about internet pricing while at their property. In addition, properties in the United States as a whole have notoriously poor wifi connection speeds. Thankfully, chains are feeling the pressure to provide guests with faster, free wifi and are called out when it isn’t provided. Marriott was even caught “blocking roque hotspots” at a popular hotel and was forced to pay a fine.
There are still varying levels of internet for some chains, and the Four Seasons is one that had inconsistent internet options. Some provided one connection in the lobby but required a different login in the guest rooms. Some of their properties offered it free, while others required payment per device. This meant that guests never really knew what to expect until they were at the hotel.
Four Seasons announced last week that they will be making their wifi much more guest friendly. All Four Seasons properties worldwide will now offer free wifi with “faster” internet speed. Additionally, an unlimited number of devices can be used.
This last part about unlimited devices sounds great too. I find it frustrating when I’m traveling with my husband and we have a handful of devices between us but only 3 devices can be connected at the same time.
The one-click connection will be helpful too. I’m sure I’m not the only one that dislikes going through a series of steps just to connect to the internet, only to get kicked off the next day and have to start over again. Note that the one-click option is not available in China or India per the press release “due to local regulations, or in very remote locations with limited bandwidth”.
Four Seasons properties still plan on a premium internet service being offered at 20 MB for a fee (average of $20), which is in line with many other hotel chains.
For example, Hilton now offers basic wifi to all HHonors member guests while Diamond members receive premium internet. Marriott gives basic internet to guests that are Marriott Rewards members, while those holding Platinum or Gold Elite status receive the enhanced tier.
It is a surely a relief for Four Seasons staff to now be able to tell guests that the internet is free, and great news for guests to hear as well.