IHG and Holiday Inn Express Get Updated Logos

InterContinental Hotels Group (otherwise known as IHG) has gotten a newly refreshed logo.
As far as changes go, this isn’t a big one but rather a tweak.
Here is their old logo:
Here is their new logo:
The new logo modifications include changing from having three different colors to using just one, and subtly changing the font. Interestingly, the old logo utilized a red color that happened to match the red color of the IHG Rewards’ top Spire Elite level.
The IHG Logo was in place several years before the Spire Elite level was introduced in 2015 though, and no announcements have been made about changes to the Spire Elite level. It is most likely that the removal of the red color does not appear to be related to Spire Elite.
Why did IHG change their logo? My guess is that they made the tweaks to give the brand a fresh new look. Tastes change over time. LoyaltyLobby has gotten a statement from IHG that the changes were made specifically with mobile in mind.
Holiday Inn Express also has a new logo.
Here is the old logo (black background mine):
Here is the new Holiday Inn Express Logo:
The “H” symbol goes from 3D to flat, and the multicolor changes to a solid dark blue.
The new logo is on the Holiday Inn Express Twitter page, including the new updated IHG logo.
The top bar of the IHG website shows the new logo too, but the IHG Holiday Inn Express reservations page still shows the old logo so updates are still in progress.
(HT: LoyaltyLobby)
What do you think of the new logos?
I think IHG should spend less money on marketing and PR and focus on actually creating a product people want & enjoy, as well as fixing their horrible customer service.
First off, I have to say that I love your moniker – Restless Location Syndrome! No doubt other readers will get a chuckle out of it too.
The funds do seem like they could have been better allocated what with all the website issues, customer service issues, etc.
I had a frustrating experience recently dealing with their chat team, and after about an hour finally got on the horn with a supervisor who cleared it up in mere minutes. Sounds like you have had some poor customer service experiences yourself!
Perhaps with the fresh logo will come a fresh plan for the areas they want to improve?