DoubleTree Free Cookies and Contest for Free Nights, Plus Enter Day 5 of the 12 Days of Giveaways

You don’t have to be Santa to get free cookies this year. In the spirit of the season, DoubleTree by Hilton is offering free cookies to everyone through December 24, 2017 as part of their “12 Days of Cookies” promotion!
Warm cookie welcomes for all, starting today! Now through December 24th, stop in any US DoubleTree hotel for a complimentary warm DoubleTree cookie. To purchase our 2017 holiday cookie tin, click here: #12DaysOfCookies #SweetWelcome
— DoubleTree by Hilton (@DoubleTree) December 13, 2017
You don’t even have to be staying at the hotel, and if you are just passing through simply stop at the front desk to get one of their delicious free warm chocolate chip walnut cookies. You can be out and about running errands or shopping, and drop by for a treat.
I lived briefly at a DoubleTree hotel many, many years ago, and have a soft spot for the DoubleTree cookies. Even though the cookies are typically given out at check-in, during my stay I got to know the staff pretty well, and they offered me cookies pretty much any time I wanted. I didn’t often take them up on the offer, but it sure was nice to walk in the door and have them give me one of those warm, gooey treats.
DoubleTree is also running a contest where you can win a free stay at a Double Tree hotel. All you have to do to enter is tweet a photo of your “festive holiday attire” and use the hashtags #sweetwelcome and #contest. Two winners will receive two free night certificates. You can also scroll through the submissions to see how festive some folks really get when it comes to their holiday attire (and there’s already some stiff competition out there!).
Tis the season of festive wear – and Cookies! Show us your love for the season by taking a festive Cookie selfie for a chance to win. Two winners will receive two free night certificates to use in 2018. Tweet your photo with #SweetWelcome and #Contest to enter.
— DoubleTree by Hilton (@DoubleTree) December 15, 2017
Today also happens to be Day 5 of Magic of Miles 12 Days of Giveaways.
To enter today’s contest for a chance at iTunes gift cards, airline pajamas, or travel swag galore, let me know in the comments below if you’ve had a DoubleTree cookie before, if you like them, or that you’d be excited to win today’s contest prize.
If you’re just joining now at Day 5 of the Magic of Miles 12 Days of Giveaways, the prizes in the contest are fun and travel related. They include a couple GoGo 25 use Internet passes, USPS boxes stuffed with first class airline pajamas, and more!
Today’s Magic of Miles contest ends at 9pm PST tonight so get those entries in. Click here to read full contest details, and good luck!
I wish they had them with. No niurs
Thanks for the contest. I’d be excited to win today’s prize.
I enjoyed my DoubleTree cookie. But just like the commercial says, can’t eat just one.
Yes, have had the DoubleTree cookie, although I am partial to all-chocolate chip (sans walnut).
the best cookie is any cookie!
thanks for the contest. i’d love to win!
can’t go wrong with cookies!
I have never had a Double tree cookie! Would love a taste!
I’ve never had a DT cookie
All cookies are good cookies — except oatmeal raisin
Today is a yes to all. I’ve had a DoubleTree cookie before, I like them and I’d be excited to win today’s contest prize.
I’m excited to win today’s contest prize!
The cookies are good although I haven’t had one
in a while.
I’ve had the cookies before, so yummy!
I wish someone would just send me cookies! That’d be awesome!
I love cookies! They are definitely my dessert of choice!
I’ve had their cookies – they’re pretty yummy – especially after traveling!
Unfortunately, I have never had a Double Tree cookie before 🙁
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Also wanted to say, thanks for the generosity and opportunity to win! Maybe Santa and Lady Luck will visit me this season lol.
It’s been a while since I don’t stay at DT a lot, but my last cookie was memorable because it was still warm… what could be better?
Never had one.
Just made me think what would be better than cookies and I can’t think of anything, except maybe Tomato soup and crackers on a cold winters day 😉
Still hoping to win the gogo passes
Yes, I love those cookies, I always forget until I check in and then I remember
I love that the Doubletree gives cookies upon check in. Some hotels in Washington offer apples to guests (available at any time of the day and not just at check in.) I would be thrilled if I went to Wisconsin and was presented with a gift of Wisconsin Cheese upon arrival.
I would be excited if I won this giveaway (or any of the giveaways during this promotion) Thank you for hosting.
I have had the cookies on occasion. I did indeed enjoy them. I don’t really eat cookies much anymore, but if presented some upon check-in at a hotel, I wouldn’t decline them.
More cookies! Yum yum yum!
Good luck to everyone!
I’d sure be excited to win today’s contest prize.
I love DoubleTree cookies!
i’ve had a DoubleTree cookie!
I don’t think I’ve tried them but I want to.
I need to get out my holiday outfit for Doubletree’s contest!
I’d love to win!
I have not had the Doubletree cookie before.
Back in the day I would host conferences at a couple of Doubletree properties and they would always give me a giant tin of cookies.
Love the cookies, especially when they’re warm.
Love the warm DoubleTree cookies. Definitely a nice treat when travelling.
I would be very excited to win!
Definitely indulged on the DoubleTree cookies!
Love the cookies!
love getting to the hotel and having some warm cookies waiting for us
Would love to take advantage of this offer, but a DoubleTree is so far away from me.
Their cookies are so good.
Many cookies.
I would love to win
Just had my first DT cookie and it was great
Would love to win
Thanks for the fun giveaway
Love Doubletree cookies
Thanks for the fun contest
Love the warm DT cookies
I am currently at the Doubletree in Swindon, England and enjoyed my cookie!
Yes Doubletree cookie are delicious
DT cookies are awesome!
Thanks for the giveaways and happy holidays!
I would love if I was one of your winners.
The DoubleTree cookies are good, what a great way to welcome you to their hotel.
Good cookies.
Hoping for a win.
Good stuff.
For some weird reason, I love contests with unidentified prizes like this. It just adds to the drama.
The cookie is one of the things I look forward to whenever I stayed at a DoubleTree. It’s like each property added their own flair to their cookies. Some properties like to make their cookies thin but wide, some like to make them thicker but smaller, things like that. Not too obvious that it would make the cookies substantially different, but it’s there.
I love these cookies and I’ve even gotten a tin of them for Christmas a couple times. I make them from a copycat recipe (; not exactly the same but it does get pretty close to the real deal.
Yes! I have had a DoubleTree cookie before, and because my husband is a Hilton Diamond, I always try to ask for double cookies. One time in DoubleTree Melbourne I was given 4 cookies for the both of us.
Can’t beat a DoubleTree cookie!
Yes, I’ve enjoyed Doubletree’s warm cookies before and if a Doubletree property was on my way to anywhere, I would stop by for one every day. Talk about “comfort food”?
You had me pegged at “travel swag galore”! Whoop!
Do I like them? Obviously. Would’ve been great if they come with warm milk, too.
Yes, I have had DoubleTree cookies before, and they are delicious. I always tried to ask for more cookies during checkout!
Love DoubleTree cookies. They are a nice treat as a welcome to a home away from home!
I have never had a DT cookie.
I’ve had the cookies and they are delicious!
Would love to win the prize. Also love Double Tree cookies. So delicious!
Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite and I love double tree cookies,
I’m sort of doubling (so to speak) up on comment content, as I shared the DT cookie as my favorite hotel food in a prior day’s entry.