Marriott Launches First Healthy Vending Machine
Inspired by a college student during their Travel Brilliantly campaign, Marriott has rolled out its first healthy vending machine at the Chicago Marriott O’Hare. Instead of chocolate bars, chips and cookies, the new self-service machine by Farmer’s Fridge offers choices described as:
“- The Detox Salad (also known as the Junk Food Eraser) made with organic Kale and Quinoa with fennel, fruits and beans served in white balsamic vinaigrette.
– Greek Yogurt and Berries (also known as Breakfast of the Gods) made with low-fat Greek Yogurt, berries and locally sourced honey.
– Lemon Pepper Chicken made with chicken breast from chickens that have been humanely raised without antibiotics, lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper.”
The price range will be between $3 and $12 per item, and according to Farmer’s Fridge’s website, everything is made fresh daily.
Marriott will be using this as a test for 5 months, and will be listening closely to customer feedback. Will you purchase something? It is difficult to eat healthy when on the road, so I think this is a great concept and hope this catches on.
“…chickens that have been humanely raised without antibiotics, lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper.”
I have always found it easy to raise chickens without lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. And while it is nice to “humanely raise” chickens, it is humane to kill them for their tasty, tasty meat?